Version 2.2.1 is out and will be released soon on WordPress plugins directory. In the meantime, you can download it from GitHub or and give your feedback.
The free and paid versions are basically identical. Free version allows more user, so more feedback, so more improvements. Paid version helps to support our development, so more improvements. You see? I told you: identical. The current dev (unstable) version is also available on GitHub.
Integrated web assets server Grid and WP users synchronization Avatar profile page Avatar profile settings
Plenty of new, very exciting features:
- Grid and WordPress user synchronization: users created directly from the console or via another method are added to the WordPress site on a regular basis. Avatar information and profile picture are updated. Password is synchronized on first user login on the website.
- Grid based authentication (as a fallback if WordPress authentication fails): if a WordPress user already exists (which is the case most of the time, as users are now synced), its password is reset to grid password. If not, a new WordPress user is created. It happens silently, so users from before the plugin won’t notice.
- Web profile page: show info from in-world profile. It honors the ‘show profile in search’ which is off by default, so profile will not be public without user choice. Web profile can be disabled globally.
- Use web profile page as login page (optional, but it’s way cooler to stay in your theme than suddenly switching to the sober WordPress login page).
- Web assets server: this is a required piece of software to allow websites to display resources from the grid (like profile images or maps). It is now integrated, so the installation is reduced to a simple checkbox (compared to the laborious installation of an external helper). If you already have a web asset server up and running, you can use it and disable the internal one.
- Guttenberg blocks and sidebar widgets support: “grid info”, “grid status” and “grid profile” blocks can be added to any page or widget via WP blocks (in addition to shortcodes already implemented).
- Grid info check: the login URI and grid name are checked against Robust settings (which are authoritative) and adjusted if needed. If the setting is empty, W4OS will try localhost:8002 and if a robust server is running it will get the right login URI and grid name.
- Optional show avatar name instead of WP username in user list.
The release also includes a few bug fixes and a more comprehensive database connection error reporting.
We made a lot of tests, but we need your feedback before the official release! Give it a try and report any bug on
See you soon in-world!